Freitag, 14. November 2014

Review: EOS Lip balm

Hallo liebe Leser!

Heute widme ich mich einem Review zu den in Amerika überaus populären Lippenbalsamen von EOS. Auch auf Youtube gibt es zig tausende Videos zu ihnen. Warum ich nun auch auf den Zug gesprungen bin und worum es sich bei diesen bunten Eiern handelt, versuche ich ein bisschen in meiner Review zu erläutern.

Die EOS Lip balm sind einzeln oder in Sets von 3-5 Stück und mehr erhältlich. Sie zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie zu "100% natural" und "95% organic" sind. Sie enthalten keine Farbstoffe, dafür aber Jojoba-Öl und Sheabutter, welche man auch oft in Handcremes findet. Außerdem sind sie frei von Parabene und Petrolatum und garantieren weiche Lippen "die einem zum lächeln bringen und glücklich machen". Ja, soviel zur 'Mission' dieses Lippenbalsams.

Als Erstes muss ich euch gestehen bin ich zu dem Kauf nur über ein Youtube Video verleitet worden, weil mich die Geruchs-/Geschmacksrichtung "Sweet Mint" interessiert hatte. Die Dame hatte darüber so geschwärmt, sodass ich es unbedingt selbst erfahren wollte. Und da ich gerne neue Sachen ausprobiere (vorzugsweise asiatische Kosmetika allerdings) und noch nie zuvor was aus Amerika bestellt hatte, wagte ich einen Versuch! Hier in Deutschland sind die EOS soweit mir bekannt nicht erhältlich.

Das Aussehen ist sehr ansprechend. Die Verpackung ist ein Eier-förmiges Gehäuse zum Aufdrehen, worin sich halbkreisförmig ein honigfarbener Balsam befindet. Die Farbe des Balsams ist bei allen identisch, nur die Gehäuse unterscheiden sich in ihrer Farbe aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Sorten.

Apropos Sorten. Wie ihr sehen könnt habe ich mir gleich ein Set mit 5 EOS Lip balm zugelegt, um auch gleich eine Alternative zu haben falls mir dieser "Sweet Mint" nicht zusagt.
Die 5 Sorten sind:

Rot = Summer Fruit
Rosa = Strawberry Sorbet
Violett = Passion Fruit
Grün = Honeysuckle Honeydew
Hellblau = Sweet Mint

Alle Sorten sind intensiv in Geruch und teilweise auch Geschmack. Die meisten riechen jedoch süß, fruchtig und erinnern an den Hubba Bubba Kaugummi. Welche mir auf Anhieb so gar nicht zugesagt haben, sind Passion Fruit und Summer Fruit. Wobei Passion Fruit noch tolerierbar ist. Was mich an ihnen stört ist der doch eher schwerliegende süße Duft, der künstlich erscheint. Strawberry Sorbet und Honeysuckle Honeydew riechen ebenfalls süßlich, jedoch etwas dezenter und luftiger. Während Sweet Mint völlig aus dem Rahmen fällt, da er mit seiner intensiven Pfefferminznote an den Orbit Kaugummi erinnert.

Über die Anwendung kann ich nur bei Sweet Mint und Honeysuckle Honeydew urteilen, da ich Strawberry Sorbet verschenkt habe und die anderen beiden ebenfalls weiterreichen werde und daher nicht benutzen wollte.

Das Gefühl nach dem Auftragen der Lippenpflege unterscheidet sich merklich von einigen normalen "Labellos". Die EOS Lippenbalsame hinterlassen einen glänzenden aber nicht klebrigen Film auf den Lippen, der nicht das Gefühl gibt, dass sich das Produkt auf den Lippen absetzt und anfängt abzublättern. Was jedoch stark auffällt ist, dass Sweet Mint einen scharfen Geschmack besitzt, der ein kurzzeitiges Brennen auf den Lippen verursacht. Wem das nicht so gefällt, sollte lieber gleich die Finger von Sweet Mint lassen. Honeysuckle Honeydew ist dagegen die perfekte Lippenpflege im Sommer!

Es scheint so, als würden diese Lippenbalsame aufgrund ihres auffälligen Designs das Potenzial besitzen, Sammellust oder Sucht hervorzurufen. Einige "EOS Lip balm collection" Videos könnt ihr tatsächlich auf Youtube finden. Mir reichen jedenfalls erstmal nur zwei. Übrigens lassen sich die Eier auch aufgrund ihrer Form wunderbar in den Tiefen der Frauenhandtasche wiederfinden. *Daumen hoch*

Gekauft habe ich sie über Amazon für 17,49€ (ohne Versand) - was pro Lippenbalsam ca. 3,50€ ergibt, wenn man bedenkt, dass sie einzeln oft 6-8 Euro kosten! verkauft die kleinen Eier ebenfalls, aber sie waren letztens schon gar nicht mehr auf Lager. Also versucht euer Glück bei Ebay oder Amazon. Zur Not und wenn ihr euch nicht daran stört, findet man sie auch bei Kleiderkreisel...

Über Kommentare und Meinungen würde ich mich freuen. :) Bis dann und danke für's Lesen!


Montag, 11. August 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #10 ~ special edition ~

Have you ever kissed a girl?

Lauri: Yes....ahahahah.

Sandy: Yes ^^.

Minah: Yepp.

Lu: Ehm, I don't think so .-.

Montag, 4. August 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #9

Lauri's favourite beverage is orange juice!

Sandy's favourite colour is pink!

Lu's loves to eat noodles with cheese and chocolate!

Minah has never visited Japan or Korea yet!

Montag, 28. Juli 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #8

Lu's favourite beverage is tea!

Minah used to play drums, guitar and keyboard during secondary school!

Lauri's favourite anime are Dears and Chobits!

Sandy's favourite school subject was art!

Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

Korea Blog Numbaaa 1 !!

Hallo ihr Lieben!!
Gibt es was Schöneres als bei der schrecklichen Hitze einen Eiskaffee zu trinken, K-Pop zu hören und einen Pastel-Blog zu schreiben? – Definitiv nicht!!!! =D

Einige von euch wissen vielleicht, dass ich ein Jahr als Austauschschülerin in Südkorea war. Und um dieses wundervolle Land geht es heute (und wenn ihr wollt jeden 3.Mittwoch?).

Gewohnt habe ich 20km von der Grenze zu Nordkorea in einem Dorf bei der Stadt Paju, die im Norden von Seoul liegt. Mit der Bahn braucht man bis nach Seoul ca. 45 Minuten. Bahnen und Busse sind in Korea eine Art zweites zu Hause. Die Bahnen verfügen über WLAN und da die Schule anstrengend ist und bis spät abends (22:00 Uhr) geht, nutzt man jede Gelegenheit um zu schlafen. Bei uns im Dorf gab es nur drei richtige Straßen. Stein- und Sandwege halten die Busfahrer allerdings nicht von ihren 60 km/h ab… Es kommt nicht selten vor, dass Leute durch den Bus rollen und sich verletzten oder deutsche Austauschschülerinnen gegen den niedlichen Koreaner neben ihnen fallen ^^‘.

     In einem dieser Hochhäuser hab ich
     gewohnt. Die Dinger haben fast 20       -->
     Stockwerke x.x

Wusstet ihr übrigens, dass die Sonne in Korea rot und nicht gelb ist? Auch der Mond erscheint manchmal rötlich und ist kaum von der Sonne zu unterscheiden. Morgens ist das Land in Nebel gehüllt und macht seinem Namen – Das Land der Morgenstille – alle Ehre :D Ab November liegt in Korea Schnee und es sind bis zu -20°C X.X Glaubt mir, diese Temperaturen wollt ihr nicht in Schuluniform erleben ~(x.x~) Der Sommer ist mit seinen 30-40 Grad und der extrem hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit allerdings nicht viel besser… Die schönste Zeit ist die Regenzeit, da regnet es 3 Wochen ununterbrochen und es ist weder zu heiß noch zu kalt =^-^=

Sooooo, ich glaube, das wars erst mal für den ersten Korea-Blogeintrag =) Habt ihr Lust auf weitere? Vielleicht Themenbezogen? Schreibt doch einfach als Kommentar hier oder auf Facebook, was euch interessiert o.o Schule? Dating und Jungs *rawr*? Kultur? K-Pop? ESSEN? O.O

Bis bald! ~ Eure Lu \^-^/

<-- die Sportuniform meiner Klasse xD 

Montag, 21. Juli 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #7

Sandy finds the Chinese language pretty difficult and could never learn it!

Lu's favourite amercian TV-show is "The Big Bang Theory"!

Minah's favourite Youtube-Channel is "Gronkh"!

Lauri likes to eat Taiyaki!

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014

It's Pastel☆Circus!

Hello dear readers!

Actually we are preparing ourselves for the maid cafe at the ongaku matsuri next weekend! We are busy practicing new dance covers and working on our live programme! But today we take the time to talk about our last live experience when we had visited Melissa Lee's beautiful shop <3

This day was so chaotic! We finished our costumes just in time and it was super hot on that day too! So we were already melting on the way to the party. When we arrived at the shop we already met some nice people~ Although we thought that it was a "circus-themed" party almost nobody was dressed that kind. We worked really hard to create a circus-look. Whatever we enjoyed it, a few people also thought we are a band *__*

We ate some delicious cheesecake and drank some beer hoho before we watched the two other artists who were performing. There was a very unique sopranist who impressed all with his singing! Right after that we listened to some mentalism. It was mind blowing and pretty interesting~

Than it was time for us to perform our 4 songs Valentines Day Kiss, Mite Mite Kochichi, Paparazzi and Lamb. We danced on a difficult surface... with almost no lights and cars that drove really close to us. We did our best, although we made a few mistakes! And Lu was very ill and had no voice at all! We are very thankful that we could perform and that she did her best even though she was in pain <3 Our lovely Lu <3

You can watch our "follow us around"-video to get more impressions of that day.
Thank you Melissa for inviting us! Happy Birthday and good luck and success for your shop!!!

Montag, 30. Juni 2014

NEXT LIVE -> Melissa Lee's Shop Anniversary

You already may know that we had our first live stage experience at the DoKomi convention in Düsseldorf. So we are going to perform some dance covers live for an anniversary party held by the designer Melissa Lee! We are pretty excited and hope some of you in Germany will visit her store and have a look at her cute creations! Celebrate together with Melissa and the Pastel Girls :)

18 o'clock ~

Location:Mademoiselle Opossum
Eulerstraße 2
13357 Berlin
Mittwochs und Freitags
14:00 - 19:00 Uhr  

Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014

New Videos

Dear readers~

Lately our girls are involved in a lot of study stress!! So we aren't updating that regularly. We are sorry :( But today we would like to direct your attention to our new videos~ Feel free to comment and subscribe if you like what we are doing~ Thank you <3

Lauri and Jani provide a cute hair style. Try it out! :)

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Still excited~


So although the DoKomi happened a few weeks ago we are still excited about what we exeperienced ≧✯◡✯≦✌ and how much you like our dance cover video "lamb" on youtube. Thank you so much <3 Hopefully we can record this dance soon in a proper way! 

Lots of love from PastelGirls

Dance Cover Koizoa yohou!

Please enjoy our newest dance cover. It's Minahs turn again ~ This song seems quite sad but if you look close at the lyrics it's a kinda super cute love story.

Montag, 16. Juni 2014

Become a flower girl ~

We reuploaded a make-up tutorial which Sandy did a few weeks ago. So hopefully more of you can enjoy the detailed movements now! If you add some elves ears you can create a nice fantasy look!

Now let's watch the video~

Pastel☆Trivia #6 - the cake edition!

Lu's favourite cake is the German Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest Cake)!

Lauri's favourite cake is cheesecake!

Sandy's favourite cake is banana cake!

Minah's favourite cake is the German Donauwelle/Schneewittchenkuchen (Snow white cake)!

Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

DoKomi Dance off contest - LAMB Dance Cover LIVE

We uploaded our live performance for the dokomi dance off contest on our youtube channel. We had a lot of fun on this day and we met lovely people that are passionate for dancing <3 Unfortunately we did not make any placements. So congratulations to all winners! :)

You can watch our lamb performance here:

Montag, 9. Juni 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #5

Minah studied the Korean language for 2 years!

Lu enjoys reading fantasy books!

Lauri actually dislikes the music by Ayumi Hamasaki and Hikaru Utada!

Sandy has been working as a real model quite a few times so far!

Montag, 2. Juni 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #4

Lauri can not survive without eating an apple each day!

Sandy is currently wearing a 10mm tunnel and 2mm septum piercing!

Lu's favourite manga is "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e" aka "Hana Kimi"!

Minah enjoys watching horror movies!

Sonntag, 1. Juni 2014

NEWS: First live performance!!! Dance off Contest @ DoKomi 2014

Hello everybody!

We've got some exciting news for you! On June 7th we will perform a dance cover live on stage for the first time we united as a team. It will be a dance off contest made by DoKomi a german anime, manga and japan convention.


We have been practicing for a long time for this live performance. So we thought we could share some photos of our dance training. We are also revealing our costumes for the contest! It's something between lolita and punk ??? We will record our performance and upload it on our youtube channel of course. We are also re-recording it as a dance cover so hopefully you'll enjoy our videos. <3

Freitag, 30. Mai 2014

New Dance Cover! - Lily Lily Burning Night~

Hello guys~

although all 4 girls are troubled with school or work we managed to upload some new videos as you can see on our youtube channel. Today we want to talk about a new dance cover! Lauri is dancing to a classic Vocaloid song which is called "Lily Lily Burning Night". She also added subtitles in a karaoke-ish way so you can sing along. ☜(*▽*)☞

This song is composed by samfree, and so are the lyrics. These are some really passionate lyrics that express hot feelings! You would never expected that, if you only watch Lauri dance. haha~
Maybe you know that samfree did a lot of "XX Night" songs [the "Night Series"]. He also created the songs "Luka Luka Night Fever" and "Megu Megu Fire Endless Night". We give our best to cover these dances in the future! Fighting ≧✯◡✯≦

If you have any requests, questions or tips you can always tell us~ We want to improve as much as we can. We definitely appreciate your support~

Translation from

I crave more and more of this feeling
You are the ignition
Your eyes watched me more than anyone
Goodbye to those boring days

I want to drown in a sea of passion
In a world with only us

Lily Lily★Burning Night
My soul's burning intensely
Lily Lily★Burning Night
It's all for you
If you hold me close so tight, so tight
This amazing fever will satisfy us!
Don't stop
Love you! Love you!
Love you! Love you! Forever!

Our breaths are overlapping more and more dangerously
You touched my heart
Our lips are wet by flowing love
It's dynamite at the end of its fuse

Flying in the sky of our intensifying love
We'll go to the paradise beyond time

Lily Lily★Burning Night
'Cause our love's flame won't die out
Lily Lily★Burning Night
Burning everything to the end
If we take off everything
This wild fever can't be held back!
It's accelerating
Love you! Love you!
Love you! Love you! Only you!

Tonight we'll go
To those places I haven't yet felt...

Lily Lily★Burning Night
My soul's burning intensely
Lily Lily★Burning Night
It's all for you
If you hold me close so tight, so tight
This amazing fever will satisfy us!
Don't stop
Love you! Love you!
Love you! Love you! Forever!
Love you! Love you!
Love you! Love you! Only you!

Montag, 26. Mai 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #3

Sandy is practically always sipping at a can of energy drink!

Lu can play the guitar and sing very well!

Minah is a huge fan of Disney's Movie "The Lion King"!

Lauri visited Japan once so far, she will definitely repeat this journey!

Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014

Cosplay make-up: Momoi Satsuki | Kuroko no basuke

Hello out there!

This time it's our first make-up "tutorial" rather sharing a cosplay make-up. I am recently hooked on the anime "Kuroko no Basuke". Well yes it's another sports anime.... and yes it's also another(!) anime regarding basketball... but hey, the characters are designed so lovely and they all have so interesting personalities you can't stop watching it. My favourite guy is actually Hyuuga shhh :) This anime contains friendship, ambitions, hard working, jokes and puns and stuff like that.

Well because I'm going to cosplay Momoi Satsuki I thought I could share my try on her make-up and so on. Although she can be annoying sometimes... She is wearing a school uniform that's enough fillip to cosplay~ I love uniforms haha.

I already had these pink contact lenses (my Cure Muse/Pretty Cure Cosplay) and I always wanted to wear a pink wig! So exciting~ The school uniform is the one Momoi is wearing when she was at Teiko Junior High School. As soon as I made some pictures of the finished cosplay I will add them here!

Please enjoy watching the video below and feel free to ask or comment of course! ^__^ Especially tell me your opinion on the false eyelashes, I'm not sure about it!


Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #2

Lauri has a little dog called "Sumo" which you sometimes can see on her instagram!

Sandy is also called the "Alpaca princess"!

Lu was living in South Korea for quite a long time!

Minah would kill for a cup of coffee!

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014

Tutorial: Hunger Games Hairstyle!

November 20th 2014 the third movie of "The Hunger Games - mockingjay" will be played in German cinemas. Are you excited? ≧°◡°≦ Of course we have all read the novels by Suzanne Collins already and want to know how it will turn out on the screen - especially including the wonderful actress Jennifer Lawrence!

So we wanted to make the waiting time more enjoyable. We invited our friend Jani who is a member of indie idol group Renai Revolution to help us with her knowledge about hairstyling!

We think she did a great job and we hope you like the result. Don't you think this hair style looks even more crazy with Sandys 2-colored hair? You can watch the video below. Enjoy!

Thank you! And see you guys~ (✿◠‿◠)

Montag, 12. Mai 2014

Pastel☆Trivia #1

Lauri is the queen of wearing false eyelashes!

Lu adores the smell of laundry detergent!

Minah is the smallest PastelGirl whereas Sandy is the tallest PastelGirl!

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

All about make-up !

We uploaded quite a lot of make-up videos on youtube. Today's topic is all about make-up! How are you doing your make-up? How long does it take to finish your make-up in the morning? What's your favourite make-up for the evening in a club or for dinner? Please tell us, we are curious!!

Let's enjoy some make-up videos! Have fun~

The cute look:

The Halloween look:

The Disney look:

The emo look:

Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2014

Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

Would you like to have something to drink? - MAID☆EDITION

All Pastel Girls are sometimes working as maids in a maid cafe. You probably know this phenomenon from Japan where girls put themselves in a lovely maid dress and serve delicious often sweet things. It's an enjoyable but also stressful job. <3 But we love it~ Hopefully we will have our original maid uniforms in future. When the time has come we will post photos of course!

On Valentine's Day we uploaded a dance cover wearing maid dresses. It has been watched already almost a 1000 times! Thank you!!

If YOU want to know how we transform ourselves into little cute maids, you can watch Lauri's video in which she is going to show you how she prepares herself for the work as a maid. Please enjoy~

Montag, 5. Mai 2014

New dance cover! - Melancholic

Hello girls & boys~
We uploaded a new dance cover. This time it's Minah dancing to the vocaloid song "Melancholic" which is sung by Rin Kagamine.

If you don't want to miss a new dance cover you should probably subscribe to our youtube channel. We would be excited!  <3

So enjoy the video, music and lyrics! Thank you~

English translation by Hinamawari:

It could be a grumpy smile
Or it could be dusk on a Sunday
Or it could be a period with nothing but exams
Or it could be a melancholinist called you

I keep thinking to myself that trying to act tough 
And confronting things without a plan won't get me anything in the end
Because I'm the kind of girl
Who'd lock myself up into a tight ball
Whenever I need just a little courage

I can't figure you out at all
So when I'm not aware at all
There's no possible way
You can steal my heart

You don't notice anything at all
So I don't care about you, don't care about you at all
Don't you "hey hey" me  and stop smiling like that
Or I'll lose my sleep again

I wonder  if I'll still be  the same old me  tomorrow
The same grumpy, taciturn  and unlikable girl

Ever since you appeared in that dream of mine
I haven't been able to be honest  because

I can't figure you out at all
So when you're not aware at all
The one who's been trying to steal your heart
Has been me

It's that kind of phase I'm in
I want to drown in this sweet

Samstag, 3. Mai 2014

[♥] Pastel♀Chibis

Lauri found a chibi-maker. You can create yourself a chibi with it! Let's have a look at the Pastel Girls chibi characters!





Try it out! Follow the link~

Freitag, 2. Mai 2014

❣ ❣ ❣ GIVEAWAY TIME ❣ ❣ ❣

Thank you for more than 300 subscribers on youtube! We were really surprised and decided to make a giveaway. Our very first giveaway ever! What's the prize? What do you have to do? Please watch this video for more information (eng sub)!  



Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

☆ Our dance covers so far! ☆

These are our dance covers so far. We are practicing hard for more to come. If you have any song request, please tell us! Which one do you like the best? ☆___

Dienstag, 29. April 2014

Welcome to our Pastel☆World!

Hello everyone~

This introduction is in english for all of our future readers. Sometimes we will write in german so let us know if you need an english translation.

Welcome everybody to our first blog! What are we doing here? You can check out the sidebars to get a glimpse of what we are going to post about in the future. If you have any requests or wishes so far please let us know.

Actually we are four ordinary girls who enjoy doing what they do. We enjoy different cultures, different music, fashion and food. We want to share our young spirits and minds with you and also keep all the sweet memories of our youth for the "future-ourselves", like a photo album full of memories.

We are no professionals and we do not intend to be. Celebrities shine in bright colours, in a wild red, a deep blue or a bright yellow. But we are normal girls that's why our colours are a little bit dull and soft. We are Pastel☆Girls.

Lauri, Sandy, Minah, Lu